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Grow A Small Business Podcast

Jan 12, 2020

In a humble interview Matthew shares how he was kicked out of university, after some time off in the Tasmanian wilderness got back then took 6.5 years to complete a four year degree to become a pharmacist.

In 2005 he started working in a pharmacy in Launceston, Tasmania and soon after was invited to buy-in. Taking on considerable personal debt to do so, Matthew and his three business partners then grew the pharmacy from $800k to $21m in annual sales with 25 team members, before selling out in 2017. 

This cast covers:

  • how leveraging expert coaches and advisors added millions in value to the business;
  • the old chestnut of a small business owner finding it hard to delegate early-on, then wakes up;
  • how to pivot and tackle a fierce, savvy, new competitor entering your market;
  • the importance of continual learning - keeping your own professional development up;
  • using mentors and your own informal network to seek advice from;
  • why knowing your numbers, and only a handful, to truly monitor are key to growth;
  • one thing they would do differently if they were selling again; and
  • staying focused and positive is crucial during such phenomenal fast growth.

Music from "Cold Funk" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (